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The Most Ridiculous Homemade PPE’s during the Covid 19 Pandemic

During the Covid 19 pandemic, toilet paper wasn’t the only thing that was in short supply. Masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) were also in high demand. With shortages in PPE, people were forced to get creative and come up with all sorts of ways to protect themselves when they couldn’t afford expensive masks. Unfortunately, not all of these creations were successful.

From bras to sanitary pads, people have used almost everything they have to protect themselves from the virus. Some of these homemade PPE’s might make you laugh, but it’s important to note that not all of them are effective in preventing the spread of the virus.

In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of 15+ most ridiculous homemade PPE’s people used during the pandemic. Scroll down to see the creative (and not so creative) ways people tried to protect themselves during this difficult time.

We have additional articles available for you to view if you’re interested. WTF Moments: The Most Hilarious Photos You Have to See to Believe


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Source: Unknown


Source: Unknown


Source: News18


Source: News18


Source: News18


Source: boredpanda


Source: Knockin Jokes


Source: Pinterest


Source: Pinterest


Source: Bemorepanda


Source: DeMilked


Source: DeMilked


Source: Bemorepanda


Source: DeMilked


Source: Bored Panda

Written by Liam Stevens

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