
The Hilarious Pregnancy Photo Series of a Premature Baby “Doing Manly Things”

Pregnancy is a complex and delicate process, and many problems can arise during this time. One of the most difficult challenges that expecting parents may face is the birth of a premature baby. Premature babies often face complicated medical problems and require more attention than full-term babies.

This was the case for Matt MacMillan and his wife, whose son Ryan was born nine weeks early and weighed just under three pounds. Ryan spent six weeks in the NICU, and during that time, his parents wondered what he would look like as an adult. They came up with the idea of taking a series of photos showing Ryan “doing manly things” as an adult, and the results are both hilarious and heartwarming.

The photos, which were shared on Instagram, show Ryan as a grown man doing everything from fixing a car engine to grilling a steak. Of course, all of the dangers in the photos are just photoshopped, so there’s no need to worry about Ryan’s safety.

Overall, the photo series is a reminder that even in the most challenging times, humor can be a powerful tool for getting through difficult situations. And in the case of Matt and his wife, their funny photos have brought joy to many people who have seen them.

More info: Instagram

We have additional articles available for you to view if you’re interested. Funny Images That Show Children Are Little Devils

#1 Ryan receiving that salary

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#2 Ryan splits the fire wood.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#3 Reading time

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#4 Ryan files his own tax returns.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#5 Poker is played by Ryan and the boys.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#6 Ryan works out.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#7 Ryan cuts the grass.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#8 Shaving Ryan’s big beard

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#9 Ryan does a great job blowing the leaves.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

#10 Ryan fixes his mother’s Prius.

Source: mattmacmakesstuff

Written by Liam Stevens

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