Long hair has been revered and celebrated throughout history, from the superhuman strength of Samson to the iconic beauty of Rapunzel. In modern times, the trend for long hair has ebbed and flowed, but there are still many people who take pride in growing, styling, and caring for their locks.
One such community is the “Long Hair” group on Reddit, which boasts almost 400,000 members who are dedicated to all things long hair. Whether you have the determination, patience, and genetics to grow your hair long or not, you can still appreciate the stunning photographs shared by this community.
From sleek and straight to voluminous and curly, long hair comes in a range of textures and styles. Today’s beauty market offers a wide range of products to help maintain and style long hair, from nourishing conditioners to heat-protective sprays.
Whether you’re looking to grow out your hair or just admire the beauty of long locks, this community is a great resource for inspiration and advice. So go ahead and indulge in some hair envy – you might even be inspired to start your own long hair journey.
More info: Reddit
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#1 I Thought I Would Contribute / I Figured I Would Make A Contribution Because I Don’t See Many Afros On This Sub!

#2 Without even a single haircut, hair has grown uncut and untrimmed for four years. Reminiscing about your high school senior year from yesterday (2018)

#3 In the past, my mother routinely had her hair cut short and permed, but ever since I started taking care of her, I’ve let it grow out. She’s 93!

#4 Sometimes I’m not sure if I want to keep it at this intensity or dial it back. As you can see, it can be found everywhere. Lol,

#5 When I was 15, I started growing my hair. I’m 50 years old here and I’m 23 years old.

#6 I last shaved my head almost a decade ago, yet it keeps growing since then.

#7 My seven-strand braid was made for me during the Renaissance Festival, which I recently visited.

#8 My pandemic hair is coming to an end, and chemotherapy starts in a week.

#9 I wish you all a fantastic, amusing, and pleasant week! Maintain a smile

#10 Nice smile with hair

#11 My hair, on the other hand, was more than happy to take part.

#12 My hair after a total of four months of twice-weekly treatments with rosemary and peppermint oil.

#13 My hair almost appears on fire when the sun shines on it.

#14 I removed my braid, and I enjoy how my hair currently appears.

#15 I recently had the half-bun feeling

#16 Birth control pills and stress both contributed to my hair’s loss of about half its thickness. I cut my hair short, left my difficult job, and left my stressful job. This is how my hair seems now, three years later.

#17 From Losing My Hair After My Second Cancer Battle to Gaining It Back During My Third Cancer Battle

#18 Daily Braided Bun

#19 I feel fantastic after getting a new haircut!

#20 You could also put your hair up. For us, this adventure has lasted a full year and five months!